Title: Community level health services
Donor: WAAF’s own initiative (Mobile Van purchased with funding from the Royal Dutch Embassy in Ghana)
Project Timeframe: Since 2016 and ongoing.
Partners: IHCC
Geographical Scope: Greater Accra Region but through the support of other programs, this mobile clinic goes to other areas in other regions of the country
Project Goal and Objectives: To make quality health care services available to all including the marginalized, those too sick to visit a health facility, and those facing stigma that prevents them from accessing facility-level health care.
Rational / Evidence for the need of the project: Mobile clinics have a critical role to play in providing high-quality, low-cost care to vulnerable populations. Despite WAAF being a very friendly NGO with an onsite clinic that is exceptionally nice and fair to all including the marginalized, key populations, and more, we still see that many do not patronize the services. To bridge this gap, we need to go to them. These findings have been confirmed by various studies and have led many countries to differentiated models of care one of which is bringing services closer to the communities.
Progress so far: So far, WAAF has embarked on regular outreach reaching especially those who otherwise will be left out. Home based care has been provided to very sick people in the home setting, MSM who despite the assurance of quality friendly care do not come to the facility are reached through the services of the mobile clinic