Project Name: USAID Strengthening the Care Continuum
Donor: USAID & the American People through John Snow Research and Training Institute Inc (JSI)
Project Timeframe: 4-year project starting 2016 – Remaining an IP is based on performance that is reviewed each year
Geographical Scope: Whereas the overall geographical scope of the project is in 5 regions, namely GAR, ER, WR, BAR, and ASR, WAAF’s project is restricted to 5 Sub metro’s in the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) of the GAR. The target group is MSM
Project Goal/Objective: The USAID Care Continuum mission is to collaborate with the Government of Ghana (GoG), its partners, to provide high quality and comprehensive HIV services for Key Populations (KPs) and Persons living with HIV (PLHIV). KPs here refers to Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), Female Sex Workers (FSW), and Transgender people. Through the grant program the following objectives are hoped to be achieved:
- Increased availability and access to comprehensive preventive care and treatment services, including reliable coverage across the continuum of care for MSM, FSW, and PLHIV
- Enhanced and sustained demand for comprehensive prevention, care, and treatment services among KPs
- Strengthened linkage and retention in care of KPs who test HIV positive
- Strengthened systems for planning, monitoring, evaluating, and ensuring the quality of programs
Rationale & Evidence of need for the project: According to the National HIV & AIDS Strategic Plan 2016-2020, MSM is at higher risk of contracting and transmitting STIs and HIV. Stigma and discrimination against MSM in Ghana also make it difficult to reach them with HIV testing services (HTS) and discourages those living with HIV to disclose their status and/or seek care (2017 Ghana HR Report). While the national HIV prevalence among the general population is 1.7%, (NACP 2017), the rate among MSM remains high and is estimated to be 18% (GAC 2017). Additionally, through WAAFs’ own efforts at the onsite clinics as well as various clinical drop-in centers, the STI rate is alarming and with that automatically the HIV risk is increased. With the double stigma faced by MSM who continue to be highly at risk of HIV, they cannot be left behind in the fight.
Results/Outcome: Specific project achievement were:
- 3263 MSM reached with preventive education
- Tested 2256 MSM for HIV
- Detected 314 MSM to be HIV positive
- Initiated 194 MSM on ART
- Additionally, with support from this grant, WAAF has received capacity building in Organizational Development and has been able to update and/or put in place various governing documents such as:
- Strategic plan
- Various documents reviewed/updated/developed:
- Finance and Accounting manual
- HR Manual
- Employees manual
- Succession Plan
- Communication Strategy
- Fundraising Strategy
- Procurement Manual and many more
- Rebranding of WAAF to include its treatment arm which is the work of its onsite clinic that showcases WAAF’s effort across the care cascade.