Title: Immunization Advocacy Initiative Ghana
Donor: African Population Health Research Center
Timeframe: 2019 – 2021
Project Description: Aimed at increasing domestic financing of health budget with prioritization for immunization, the 3-year project has two outcomes 1: Ensure that financing to immunization in the Government of Ghana national budget is sustained every year. 2: Ensure that the proportion of the budget allocation to immunization disbursed and spent in each financial year increases year on year by the Government of Ghana. The initiative is being implemented in Ghana by three different consortium groups namely SEND GHANA, Hope for Future Generation, and Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Health. The West Africa AIDS Foundation (WAAF) is a consortium member of the HFFG who led the group.
Progress so far: Activities have centered around capacity building of project staff in advocacy skills, monitoring, and evaluation. Various round table discussions have also taken place at both national and regional levels led by the various member organizations with civil society groups, ministries, parliamentarians. Dialogues with policymakers, traditional authorities, and other stakeholders have also taken place. During special days like the Immunization week, video recordings by the leadership of member organizations were put together that had strong messages around adequate financing for immunization which were shared with duty bearers. Health budget review has also taken place for a better understanding of the issues so targeted advocacy can be enforced.
Although the project cannot say at this time that Ghana will be able to sustain adequate funding for Immunization, especially when the major donor GAVI fully stops its support to Ghana, the project is definitely ensuring this topic remains on the agenda of key duty bearers. it is still a work in progress for more results that are closer to the goal.